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Griffins Story: Milkshakespears Makkaromio & Torqiette

Posted: 03 Dec 2007, 23:26
by Griffin
I thought I would start the ball rolling on the stories.
Hope you enjoy! Will read any feedback when back from London at the weekend...

Milkshakespears Makkaromio & Torqiette.

Once upon a time, in Mytland, there were two families. The Swatestian's, and the Suspecto's.
Over the centuries, these two families divided, starting with shouting across the street,
leading to throwing gas canisters into each others houses, until eventually, it became all out war,
with shootings, kidnappings and executions.

No-one can remember how it all started. The Swatestian's say that the Suspecto's started it by
spraying pepper at the Swatestian leader, Vipario. The Suspecto's say that the Swatestian's started
it by breaking into their garage. But eitherway, the fighting continues between the two households.

Amongst the Suspecto's, lived a beautiful young girl called Torqiette. (Torq for short.) She had long
flowing blonde hair, and a face that could make a mans heart melt. Underneath her multiple bomber jackets,
was a perfectly curved figure. She was the dream girl for all of Mytland. One such Mytian, was Makkaromio.
'Makka', as he was known to his friends, spent hours peeking through the hedge at the bottom of the Suspecto's
garden. Torqiette was well aware of his actions, but did not mind. She had a thing for Makkaromio, and his curled pink hair.

There was unfortunatly a problem. Makkaromio was part of the Suspecto family. How could sworn enemies fall in love?
It was not allowed. Torqiette's father, Vipario, was a scary man. If he ever found out, he would have Makkaromio
kidnapped, and probably killed! Vipario was a tall man, and very well dressed. He wore a smart suite, with grey trousers,
and a white jacket. He was the person the Suspecto's really wanted to kidnap. Many a time they had tried. Many a time they had failed.

It was during such an attempt, that Makkaromio and Torqiette first managed to speak. Vipario was sitting alone in
his study. Markarin had seen him from the hillside opposite his house. Markarin, a Suspecto, spent many nights,
camping up on the hillside. Camping was one of his main hobbies. He called down to his brother Allenio. Allenio
crept to the study window, and jumped as high as he could, so he could look inside. Allenio was a fantastic jumper.
He often jumped around in the streets, for no apparent reason. Through the window, he could see Vipario, writing away at his desk.
He informed the head of the Suspecto family, Maniacalatta, who immediatly put a plan together.

As the Suspecto's crept towards the Swatestians house, the Swatestians guard wolf, 'Grey', heard them. He howled with all his might,
waking Vipario's wife, the Dutchess, from her beautysleep. She shouted for her guards. "Yokmana, Rukazuka, go fourth and spy who
dare attempt to intrude upon our humble dwelling!"

The bold guards raced out onto the front courtyard. No sooner had they come into sight, the Suspecto's threw a flashing
'banger' infront of them. 'BANG!' As the guards recovered, they were tied up, by Allenio, and promptly sliced with a knife,
before they could even see him.

Vipario, scared for his life, hid inside a small lavatory. Guards rushed from all over the Swatestians house, shots could be heard all around,
as people blindly shot at doors. Makkaromio realised this was his chance. He crept upstairs, and went straight to where he knew Torqiettes
door would be. As he burst through the door, Torqiette, swung round, their eyes meeting. Both stood still for what seemed an eternity.
Gazing, longingly into each others eyes. A loud bang from the landing, shock them into action. They dived into the closet.

"Torqiette, I must tell thee how I have longed for this moment." Makkaromio whispered. "How I have longed for your sweet delicate touch.
The devine feel of your breath against my face, your lips, gently touching, against mine own. But can this be? Our families are at war as we
speak, if I were to declare my love for thee, I would surely be punished. Killed!"

"Oh Makkaromio, stop. Please don't say those words. We will find a way. I love thee more than all of Mytland and the Adminonum sea!
If only we could be alone, away from this fighting."
The shots and bangs outside were getting closer. "Go, Makkaromio, thou must
get out of the closet, before they catch you!"

The battle went on for what seemed an eternity. The Swatestians guards managed to withold the Suspecto's, and Vipario remained
safe in his lavatory hiding place.
Eventually all went quiet, and Makkaromio went up to Markarins campsite, up on the hill. Markarin was no-where to be seen.
He sat by the fire, a tear rolling down his face. He pondered to himself, as to whether his love, could ever be true;

"To be, or not to be, that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the shots and pepper of outrageous teamkills,
or to take aim against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them. To die?to spawn, no more. And by a spawn to say we end
the heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks."

As Makkaromio was pacing at the fire, Torqiette was thinking of a plan. The Dutchess had just tucked her in for the night,
and she gazed out the window at the moon, fantasizing, that one day, she and Makka would be able to declare their love for one another.

"What's in a name? That which we call Makka
By any other name would smell as sweet."

She was soon sleeping, dreaming, hoping. The Dutchess was no fool though. She knew of her daughters love for the Suspecto.
'But why should I stop true love', she thought to herself.

As Torqiette slept, Makkromio paced the hillside. He needed a plan. He needed Torqiette;

"To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow, creeps in this petty pace from day to day, to the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more.
It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing."

By dawn he knew he had to do something. He had to declare his love for Torqiette.
He ran down the hillside, over the hedge, and pulling a 'bang' from his belt, threw it to Torqettes balcony.
Upon hearing the noise, she knew it must be her love, and ran to the window:

"O Makkaromio, Makkaromio, wherefore art thou Makkaromio?
Deny thy Maniacalatta, and refuse thy name, or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love
And I'll no longer be a Swatestian."

Makkaromio fell to his knees.

"Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?"

Torqiette had had enough of this family battle. No-one even knew why they were fighting any more.

'Tis but thy name that is my enemy. thou art thyself, though not a Suspecto.
What's Suspecto? It is nor hand nor foot, nor arm nor face, nor any other part belonging to a man. O be some other name!
What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet;
So Makkaromio would, were he not Makkaromio call'd,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes without that title. Makkaromio, doff thy name, and for thy name,
which is no part of thee, take all myself."

Upon hearing the shouts, Torqiette's nurse ran into her room. Torq turned around.
"Oh Cristina, he loves me. I knoweth it from the depth of mine heart!"

But when she turned back, Makkaromio was gone. Vanished from her sight. "O Makkaromio wherefore art thou!"

But Makka had been taken. His brother Bagpuss had heard the whole thing, and scared for Makkas life, had pulled him away, out of sight.

"Ist thou mad?! Wat demon has gotten into mine brother?
Did mine ears decieve me, or did I hear him declare not only his love to a Swatestian, but too his change from being a Suspecto?"

Makka fought with all his might, but could not get away.

"Remove thy hands from me Bagpuss, My love is hers, and hers mine. No one can choose where cupids arrows will land."

Bagpuss, released Makkaromio from his grip, and he fled back through the hedge. On the other side, was a line of Swatestians,
their guns raised, and aimed.
All that Torqiette could hear, were the shots and explosions from the garden below. Crying, she fled the house, running as fast as her
legs could carry her. Eventually she found a small chapel, and exhausted, she wondered inside. She lay down, on the cold floor, tears
streaming down her face. Eventually, she fell asleep, mourning her beloved Makkaromio.

As Makkaromio came around, he was lying, face down in the mud by the river. He was unsure how he got there, and how he managed to
survive. He stumbled into the village, and spied on the floor, the scarf worn by Torqiette, caught on the steps of the chapel. He limped up
the steps, and pushed open the door.
At first he could not see into the darkness within. Slowly as his eyes adjust, he sees Torqiette's body on the floor.

"My love! what has thou done?!" he cried, thinking that Torqiette had taken her life, thinking he had lost his.
"I cannot live without the love of thee" Knowing he could not carry on without her, Makkaromio pulled out his 9mm pistol.

"O true apothecary!
Thy bullets are quick. Thus with a kiss I die."

With that he kissed Torqiette gently on the lips, and walked over to a nearby petrol cannister. Slowly he took aim.

To die, to sleep. To live no more.

Posted: 03 Dec 2007, 23:42
by makuro
hehehehehehee, best love story ever ear, read, or see... heheheh Congrats. mr, Griffin, hehehehehe, wow a true very very good job.... hehehehehe. :D :D :D :D :D [smilie=gj.gif] [smilie=gj.gif] [smilie=gj.gif] [smilie=gj.gif] [smilie=gj.gif] [smilie=gj.gif] [smilie=gj.gif] [smilie=gj.gif] [smilie=gj.gif] [smilie=gj.gif] [smilie=go.gif] [smilie=go.gif] [smilie=go.gif] [smilie=go.gif] [smilie=go.gif] [smilie=go.gif] [smilie=go.gif] :hahahaha: :hahahaha: :hahahaha: :hahahaha:

Posted: 03 Dec 2007, 23:48
by |MYT|Torq
He he he he Good one Griff.......... :D
:hahahaha: :hahahaha: :hahahaha:

Posted: 04 Dec 2007, 00:57
by Bagwell
Bagpuss, released Makkaromio from his grip, and he fled back through the hedge. On the other side, was a line of Swatestians,
their guns raised, and aimed.
All that Torqiette could hear, were the shots and explosions from the garden below.

EY! The only real, true, gentle handsome fella in the whole story DIES?!?!?!? WTH?????

Fabulous writing mate! LOVED IT!

Posted: 04 Dec 2007, 03:42
by |MYT|Aciidc0der
nice one m8!!!

Bagpuss...that was funny as....

Posted: 06 Dec 2007, 18:12
by Scofield
I luv it! :lol:

Posted: 06 Dec 2007, 18:20
by Mark
awesome mate......................nice one for taking the time to write it:D :D :D :D

Posted: 06 Dec 2007, 19:36
by AnT
Wow, great story m8....

Posted: 09 Dec 2007, 14:57
Griff m8,
i just took the time to read this and WoW.
what a great job.
had me in stitches. :twisted:

hope you dont mind, i moved this to off topic.

has to be shared with others. :twisted: