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SWAT 4 Gamespy's Master Server List

Posted: 04 Dec 2012, 09:43
by BaDTimE
Hello mates,

I'm engage in solve some problems involving Swat 4 game query to a friend, then I spotted the GameSpyManager Class in SDK and I remembered to 'unlike' of Gamespy in FB.


I admit that because my absense during that fact I haven't endeavored to help find a solution, once I came back online, many months already had passed and alternative solutions already had arisen.
I did not read those massive message about the fact, I did not make contacts with another clans, communities or corporations involveds, I did not developed mine conjectures when I heard about the fact when I was without my PC and getting ready to my surgery. I just thought that was too late and when I started to recover from surgery I restarted to work in my Swat 4 remake.

I have ignored that 'till today...


In Gamespy Technology Facebook page I found another explain issued by Gamespy to the rescission of many games support. Thereat I decided post something, even premature and under lacking of informations.

I also paid a misserable value to promote the originally unpretentious post, anyway I'm here to ask you m8ys to promote that 'liking' 'n sharing to another Swat community member or into their clans; even in Facebook, even in foruns and webpages.

I think that doing that we'll be worthy of a response from Gamespy about my proposal.
Comments are welcome too.

Here's the post:

I will spend my free time doing what I was planing long time ago: bring all clans to a single channel of communication, that probably will also bring more players to v1.1. Begining for propagate this 'manifest' and increase exponentially the number of signatures in petition.

While there's no more player connect in v1.1, v1.0 is still a 'hot place'. Every day I saw more and more v1.1 player going to play in massive populated v1.0 servers in the dusk.
Split this game in 2 will only turn things worse... A lack of information about 1.1 patch, roots in a v1.0 clan, and the fear of migrate to a almost dead version make this buggy version very popular.


I humbly ask for your help in this matter.
Please, support me in that attempt.