Reported By: MyBad
Date: 11th September 2022 - most occurrences occurred in last week.
Nick: Tommy
Alias: Tommy
Violation: Spawn killing, teamnading, absurd amount of accidental VIP kills.
Evidences: ... y/1546759/ - spawn rape. ... /overview/ - check play history over last 72hrs - look at number of accidental vip kills in total in last 72hrs... this should be a kickable offense at minimum...
Discord server - check complaint from Svea for spawn rape recently also.
Most rounds where he has lethal weaponry end early by him accidentally killing VIP. On many maps he will also spawn rape such as: Brewer, Meatbarn, Riverside, Red Library and Quik Fuel. I will create this thread for now and provide recorded videos of this next time he plays.