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solution crash and inability to enter the server

hi with some maps the game crashes and it is not possible to return to the server placed here 3 solutions that worked

1 hosts file modification go to the following path C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
you need to add at the end of the file. files must be edited with windows notepad
needs to be opened in administrator mode.

2 add under the heading [Engine.GameEngine] add this: MassiveUpdateDelay=100000000
the file to modify is: swat4.ini for swat 1.1 for swat tss name file: swat4x.ini files must be edited with windows notepad
these files are located in the system folder of swat

3 download and replace this dll for swat 1.1 ... LW1Ns_YsAU
the file must be replaced with the original one in the system folder of swat 4

solutions 2 and 3 are provided by WM worldmafia clan
thanks to BaDTimE and KrazyFire for developing them

you decide which one is better to use personally I prefer the first but I also like the second

to specify that I have swat installed on the disk d usually swat is installed in C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Sierra \ SWAT 4 \ Content
and that's where you go to make changes.
or you can find the installation path with right mouse button on swat4 on the desktop "open file path"

other hosts that can be blocked because they could cause problems


these are the maps affected by this problem
A-Bomb, Qwik Fuel, Hotel, DuPlesis

it is sufficient to apply only one of these solutions as you can see in the video then the game works and it is not necessary to apply other solutions to you the choice of the solution you want to apply

demonstration of editing hosts file (solutions 1)

swat 4 crash solution by editing swat4.ini file (solutions 2)

demonstration crash solution by replacing the m4d.dll file (solutions 3)

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Re: solution crash and inability to enter the server

solution 2 can also be done from the game console
once opened, type this command to solve the problem: SET Engine.GameEngine MassiveUpdateDelay 100000000

thanks BaDTimE for the advice
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Re: solution crash and inability to enter the server

with this fix 2 swat problems are corrected the crash problem with some maps and restores the serer list in gmae

for swat TSS download from here ... Ud1IACBfr4
for swat 1.1 download from here ... PAACkpV9Fc

thanks to BaDTimE for updating this dll so as to have a single file that corrects all the problems

other useful link: viewtopic.php?f=63&p=95157#p95157

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