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Problems with Saef

hi everyone.
first of all, as i already said on your server, im so sorry for the loss of Torq. i rly hope you get through it
second, its nothing against myt, its just sth with saef. feel like a privilege guy coz i never talk on forums, but you just rly pissed me off, so i even had to apply.
let me ask you one thing, what do you have against S? why do you keep banning her, does it make you feel better or what. where all this hate comes from? for one day jumping when there were only 4/5 players and other ppl was doing the same? its so fking annoying all your unfair actions against her, rude talking, insta ban, no warning first. it would be understandable if you also ban cheaters, teamnaders, buggers, and specially this spetz mf with all his disrespectful talking. but no, you only ban S... so probably you might have some kind of problem coz you werent this way some months ago. relax, take it easy, and if you are going to ban her again, ban me also, specially if i'm not in the server (coz i noticed that you only do that when im not). but do not expect to play for much longer in swat4 if you keep acting like this, you'll kill your own server
so **** off
take care to everyone

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Re: Problems with Saef

I've released this post from the moderation queue because we use that to prevent spam posts.

That said, your post deserves a warning. Whilst I appreciate you have a complaint against a member of the MYT community, raising that in a more respectful way without the profanity is expected. Please consider that.

For the complaint, it will be picked up by a member of management.
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Re: Problems with Saef

hi m8 I talked to him about it and there is also evidence for the last time warning that this happened I haven't checked back again but I can do it if necessary.

now he seems to have understood the problem and I hope it does not happen again. although evidence says svet complained a lot about her decision not to ban a player who used bugs.

now I hope that this situation is resolved but I want to emphasize that at stake is not the place to discuss the actions of an admin. if you notice that an admin acts in a wrong way or does not enforce the rules in a partial way for everyone then a report on the forum or write me directly in discord. so that he can collect evidence and act accordingly as has already been done in the past with other admins who have been removed for abuse

the ban has been lifted so you are free to play. if you have to challenge an admin, do it through the forum or on discord with me or in a discord channel

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