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No Chat messages possible sometimes
Posted: 22 Sep 2022, 20:26
by penthooose
Hey guys,
it happens sometimes that me and also a friend of mine are not able to post messages in the chat.
I already thought about being muted, but than another day it works without problem.
Sb has same issues or problem solving?
Happens usually in MYT Team Server.
Re: No Chat messages possible sometimes
Posted: 23 Sep 2022, 18:58
by |MYT|Danilo
hello welcome to the forum. if you talk about writing messages in the team chat when you are dead the messages are not sent in the chat I do not know if it is a bug or a game setting but I think it is a bug. this is on all swat servers that I remember. then this is not always the case, sometimes the messages go through but very often they don't
Re: No Chat messages possible sometimes
Posted: 28 Sep 2022, 06:40
by |MYT|SoundMan
It happened to me when I ALT+TAB out of the game. The fix for me was to press ALT+Enter when I'm back in the game.
Re: No Chat messages possible sometimes
Posted: 03 Oct 2022, 19:47
by MyBad
It's a windows focus bug that is present in modern Windows... since the game is old, it doesn't expect the window switcher for ALT+TAB like modern OS handles this.
To fix this, simply hold alt + tab and manually click the SWAT 4 window that's open. Just clicking back on the task bar will sometimes cause this issue.
ALT + TAB and clicking on the overlay tray for SWAT 4 will always make chat work and think the window is active.
E.g; click into swat 4 when you see the pane like this;
Happy gaming.
Re: No Chat messages possible sometimes
Posted: 03 Oct 2022, 20:25
by SilvioBerlusconi
Hello, good evening, you could also try the combination CTRL + ESC , and then put the game back .
Let me know if it worked