Gezmod 23 has been out for several months and no one has updated it on the MYT servers. This update is a 5 minute change... if you want Gez to continue working on updating his mods for the sake of the game, why hasn't this been installed in the months it has been available?
Another mod has also been released which is Tenshi's ping compensation mod. Ping compensation is common in modern games but Swat4 doesn't have this because its older than some people that play in the MYT server now...
I'd recommend not installing the modified damage tables to keep the game feeling the same as what others have come to be used to, though.
Other servers have updated and installed these mods and are slowly leaving your server to go play there, albeit, with terrible admins and rules... so when will MYT install them to keep the game alive...? It shouldn't take several months to install a small gezmod update... trial them on MYT World if you need to test them.
Also, I should note, recent experiences on the Interforce server aren't a good evaluation of the mod due to the specifications their server are configured to use alongside their host provider, https://zap-hosting.com/en/ which isn't properly "configured" to be a Swat4 dedicated server and doesn't have the common supplied patches Serge has on MYT and is also supplied on MarkMods, leaving them vulnerable to common attacks and DDOS attempts... I'd highly suggest trying this yourself for your own conclusion.