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No Chat messages possible sometimes

Hey guys,

it happens sometimes that me and also a friend of mine are not able to post messages in the chat.
I already thought about being muted, but than another day it works without problem.
Sb has same issues or problem solving?

Happens usually in MYT Team Server.

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Re: No Chat messages possible sometimes

hello welcome to the forum. if you talk about writing messages in the team chat when you are dead the messages are not sent in the chat I do not know if it is a bug or a game setting but I think it is a bug. this is on all swat servers that I remember. then this is not always the case, sometimes the messages go through but very often they don't
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Re: No Chat messages possible sometimes

It happened to me when I ALT+TAB out of the game. The fix for me was to press ALT+Enter when I'm back in the game.
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Re: No Chat messages possible sometimes


It's a windows focus bug that is present in modern Windows... since the game is old, it doesn't expect the window switcher for ALT+TAB like modern OS handles this.

To fix this, simply hold alt + tab and manually click the SWAT 4 window that's open. Just clicking back on the task bar will sometimes cause this issue.

ALT + TAB and clicking on the overlay tray for SWAT 4 will always make chat work and think the window is active.

E.g; click into swat 4 when you see the pane like this;


Happy gaming.
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Re: No Chat messages possible sometimes

Hello, good evening, you could also try the combination CTRL + ESC , and then put the game back .

Let me know if it worked
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